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Picasso Blue Period at the AGO

Post #1908 • January 31, 2022, 9:19 AM • 2 Comments

[Image: Pablo Picasso. La Soupe, 1903. Oil on canvas, Overall: 38.5 x 46 cm. Art Gallery of Ontario. Gift of Margaret Dunlap Crang, 1983. © Picasso Estate / SOCAN (2021)]

Pablo Picasso. La Soupe, 1903. Oil on canvas, Overall: 38.5 x 46 cm. Art Gallery of Ontario. Gift of Margaret Dunlap Crang, 1983. © Picasso Estate / SOCAN (2021)

I'm back in artcritical for the first time in several years (the whole run of Delicious Line, to be specific) with a review of "Picasso: Painting the Blue Period" at the Art Gallery of Ontario, soon headed to the Phillips Collection.



Dana Gordon

January 31, 2021, 8:55 AM

Brilliant art writing!


Ryan McCourt

February 9, 2022, 11:03 AM

Always great to read your art writing, Franklin!



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