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Post #1335 • April 23, 2009, 4:08 PM

Terry Teachout, Restoration.

Spring finally came to Manhattan on Thursday, and I shut my iBook and headed for Central Park. It was the first time that I'd strolled through the park since October, and the occasion, like the weather, was similar: I was headed for the Metropolitan Museum of Art, this time to see "Pierre Bonnard: The Late Interiors," an exhibition of paintings and works on paper by one of the artists I love best.

Bunny Smedley, On accidents of perspective.

Unsurprisingly, the unfailing proximity of my youthful, incessantly talkative boon companion over recent weeks means that I’ve experienced everything that’s taken place during that time—the G20 protests, Smeargate, the very loud whining of a smallish clique of architects—through the prism of a four year old child’s queries, critiques and considered analysis.

Also, Seamus Heffernan.

Off to walk the dogs and ogle the tulips, then draw a model in the studio for a couple of hours.




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