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Department of Took You Long Enough

Post #1071 • October 11, 2007, 6:40 PM • 3 Comments

I-70 Suite: PA, new at The Moon Fell On Me. Man, this weekly schedule thing is a bear. Next one is Monday. Promise.




October 12, 2007, 8:41 AM

Nice. I drove through there this past summer and thought the same thing.

The text referring to the star, then the star, then the barn text , then the piece of the bars, then the whole thing. It's a nice use of sequence, more than most comics people do.


Joanie San Chirico

October 12, 2007, 11:52 AM

The text in this one is much more succesful than the typed text of the last one. Love it!


Chris Rywalt

October 15, 2007, 7:38 AM

Now you know why cartoonists almost always have studios. Even getting a strip out weekly is hard work. I myself ran a weekly strip in my college paper for a couple of years. It was surprisingly challenging.

I saw a documentary on Hergé a couple of months ago. I was shocked to discover that he had a vast studio helping him with Tintin. He even had people whose job it was to travel to locations to get accurate backgrounds for his city scenes. Or check out "Tintin in Tibet" and the amazing airplane illustrations.

And of course, even if you do manage to crank out your strip for the newspapers every day, then people will just make fun of you.

On my PC, I-70 Suite: PA starts out with just "why do stars" and one star, perfectly lined up in the browser window. I think it like it just like that.



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