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maitenance outage

Post #554 • June 8, 2005, 1:18 PM is breaking down and doing a painful but urgently needed hardware upgrade and hosting transfer. This could take the site out from anywhere between four hours to four days, depending on the humors of the gods. I will try to minimize disruptions, of course, but in the meantime, comments are closing to prevent jerkmonkeys from taking advantage of things.

In case those things drag out, there's an opening curated by Meesy & Massengale at the old Objex space (203 NW 36 St.) this Saturday from 8 to 11. I could have sworn Dorsch was having an opening the same night but I deleted the e-mail and now I'm not sure. Also Maria Jose Arjona will be closing her show at Damien B. with a final performance.

Said hardware and hosting upgrades turned out to be necessary for Go See Art, which, while delayed, is really going to be cool when it hits.

Thanks, and talk at you soon.




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