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crucial, earth-shaking news

Post #336 • August 3, 2004, 6:38 AM

Apparently Amazon finally solved my Wish List problem, so the Birthday Deal is back in effect, and extended through the month of August. Again, buy me something off of my Amazon Wish List and, unless you ask me not to, I'll send you a work on paper by yours truly. It's like one of those NPR fundraising drives, but without the pesky guilt trip about how your contributions keep it all going, et cetera freaking ad nauseum. This thing is totally going without your contributions. It's just that you like reading sometimes, and I like getting presents.

But the bottom line is that I enjoy the heck out of writing and publishing and I'm grateful that you have any interest in watching me do it. Thank you, thank you, and thank you.

PS - I can't test the link, so if it doesn't work, let me know and I'll go ballistic on have a word with Amazon. It works.

Many thank you's to:
Catherine King & Jerome du Bois
Lisa G.




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