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Post #235 • March 12, 2004, 10:43 AM

Mad hits have been coming to this site from a link in this post on Corante by Zach Lynch, "an evolutionary biologist, enterprise software marketer, and economic geographer, who has worked over the past decade to understand how technology and society coevolve."

Art Blogger, has added a new feature to his site called "redesign" where the banner on the home page randomly regenerates a spectrum of colorful squares each time the page is reloaded. (Check it out). This is something every dance club should have. Also, this is the best blog title I've ever seen "the cult of speed and surface." I also highly recommended Arts Feed for a comprehensive global social network of the world's art as well as Art Forum.

Wow. Thanks, Zach.

A friend of Our Girl in Chicago writes an insightful rundown on an episode of "The Apprentice" in which contestants are challenged to sell art. I won't quote from it; the whole thing is worth reading.

From Tyler Green's tips for the recent New York art fairs:

If you want to appear intelligent and learned in front of large, bright, color photography, just stroke your chin and say, "Yes, the German influence in this artist's work is both primary and prevalent."

Maud Newton: Cheney lesbian novel resurfaces in the midst of the gay marriage debate.

Sisters, a 1981 lesbian romance novel penned by Vice President Dick Cheney's wife, Lynne, "was feted Monday night in a special performance by the 'Lynne Cheney Players'" to celebrate the release of Laura Flanders' new book, "Bushwomen: Tale of a Cynical Species." (Via GMB.)

See the cover of Cheney's novel here.

In 2001, when asked about the book, Cheney told a reporter, "I don't remember the plot." The Vice President's wife has not expressed an opinion on the issue of gay marriage, although her 34-year-old daughter, Mary Cheney, is openly gay.

In case you've been living in a cave, all of this is relevant now because Bush has proposed a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. Meanwhile, in May of this year, I'll be attending a ceremony celebrating whatever union the State of Massachusetts allows my sister and her partner to have.

On behalf my cousin and her partner of ten years: if lesbianism is good enough for the Vice President's wife and daughter, it's good enough for the rest of us.

If you dare: Artistic Denial at Forager 23.

Samuel Johnson believed that writers should always write with the goal of moral instruction in mind. Many of the artsy-type people I know take exception to this way of thinking. They're more likely to argue for "art for art's sake," or, following Oscar Wilde and Walter Pater, to make the claim that a work of art is neither moral nor immoral, but rather only more or less beautiful--aesthetics trumping ethics. ... Why are artsy-types reluctant to admit that art does indeed have this moral dimension?

Discussion ensues.

I haven't forgotten about getting that link up to the article mentioned previously. (Great balls of fire - it's up!) I haven't forgotten about getting DC Art News up on Artsfeed - sorry, man. I haven't forgotten about getting that illustration and article to you Accent Miami people - infinite apologies, friends. I haven't forgotten about the bio book and the watercolors for Beaker Gallery. Or the job opportunities I've been tipped off to by generous souls. Off to work. See you Monday.




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